Weekly Bulletin
June 16, 2024
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE Just as the seed grows to harvest without the knowledge of the farmer, so too, “not knowing”, is an important part of our life’s journey. But when we feel at home with the Lord, the Spirit of God awakens our hearts to a mysterious spiritual growth and fruitfulness. ...
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June 9, 2024
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE Sin separates us from God, and obscures the beauty of our state of grace. But Christ assures us that by obedience to God’s will, we will belong to his family and become children of God and inherit eternal life....
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June 2, 2024
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ-Corpus Christi
GOSPEL MESSAGE At the Last Supper, Jesus did not sacrifice any animal, but gave himself in the form of the bread and wine, thus establishing our spiritual food and drink. The Last Supper of Jesus has become the First Eucharist, the fountain of grace. This celebration of the Eucharist brings us together and connects us to Jesus. ...
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May 26, 2024
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
GOSPEL MESSAGE As we joyfully celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity, the Bible assures us that God exists as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three Persons, remaining one God. This is a Divine Revelation, not a human discovery. There is no logical explanation of this mystery. God is incomprehensible to our imagination. “We walk by faith” and “not by sight”, fixing our eyes ...
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May 19, 2024
Pentecost Sunday
At Pentecost, we celebrate the birthday of the Church, the coming together of diverse people to witness God's wonder. The Holy Spirit empowered the church to tackle fear, doubt, division and estrangement. Thus, the Church has become a fountain of love, peace, blessing and grace. ...
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May 12, 2024
Ascension of the Lord
The very words of Jesus, "Go into the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation", empowered the apostles with authority to teach, to sanctify and heal and to interpret the Scripture through love....
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May 5, 2024
Sixth Sunday of Easter
God is the essence of love itself. God's love transcends human boundaries. The fundamental principle of Christian life, then, is love. But true love, as well, by its very nature, is sacrificial (death of Jesus on the Cross)....
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April 28, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Easter
In a world torn by division and despair, the Easter message, “Peace be with you!” echoes as a beacon of hope. Sealed by the Spirit of the Risen Christ, we are led to a new way and a new significance of life. ...
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April 21, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Why keep opposing God and allow our world to become faithless and void of moral values? To live according to God’s commandments and to accept Jesus as our Good Shepherd is the key to a peaceful world order....
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April 14, 2024
Third Sunday of Easter
In a world torn by division and despair, the Easter message, “Peace be with you!” echoes as a beacon of hope. Sealed by the Spirit of the Risen Christ, we are led to a new way and a new significance of life. ...
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April 7, 2024
Second Sunday of Easter
On our spiritual journey, we might be perplexed by many things that are happening in our lives today: loss of job, a career failure, breaking relationships, betrayal of friends, abuse of authority or power, fear of chronic disease, social injustice, high cost of living....
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March 31, 2024
Easter Sunday
Warm prayers for a Happy Easter! Our devotional investment into the practice of Lent, merited us a joyful Easter celebration. Washed and cleansed by thesacrifice of Christ, the world celebrates Easter and so we echo the angelic hymn: “Alleluia! Glory to God in the Highest Heavens!”...
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March 17, 2024
Fifth Sunday Of Lent
As salt gives taste by dissolving itself in water, so also, Jesus teaches us that new and eternal life is gained by the death or dissolution of the self thus fostering spiritual growth....
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March 16, 2024
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful receive palm fronds which they use to participate in the re-enactment of Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem. Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a young donkey, and to the lavish praise of the townspeople who threw clothes, or possibly palms or small branches, in front of him as a sign of homage....
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March 10, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Lenten season is a time of conversion and a time of struggle against temptation, evil and doubt. Despite harsh reality, much suffering, injustice and loss of faith in our secularized world, there is always a path back to God through repentance, for God is love!...
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March 3, 2024
Third Sunday of Easter
Our world seems to have lost the fear of God and instead practices idolatry. We need to create a culture of prayer to worship God, because we have turned our sacred places and sanctuaries into marketplaces....
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February 25, 2024
Second Sunday of Lent
If we are faced with absurdities of life, disturbed by social injustices, heartbroken by family crises, or feel helpless by terminal illness, let us not doubt God’s existence or lose faith. Even Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son Isaac. Lord God, give me peace and serenity!...
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February 18, 2024
First Sunday Of Lent
Prayerful fasting from sensual pleasures trains the soul to a virtuous and holy life....
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February 11, 2024
Sixth Sunday Of Ordinary Time
The afflicted and the exasperated live apart crying out loud and pleading for help, “If you wish, you can heal me!” They are experiencing not only physical separation, but a profound social and spiritual isolation. By healing the leper, Jesus teaches us to break the barriers and, with compassion, reach out to the marginalized....
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February 10, 2024
Fifth Sunday Of Ordinary Time
There is no debate about the meaning of suffering and anxiety, but let us turn to Jesus for solace and healing....
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January 28, 2024
Fourth Sunday Of Ordinary Time
Jesus, teaching with authority, challenges us to balance the love and service of our families to having God at the center of our lives....
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January 21, 2024
Third Sunday Of Ordinary Time
“The time is fulfilled”, means the time expectation is past. Jesus Christ is here among us. Let’s listen to his Word and repent....
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January 14, 2024
Second Sunday Of Ordindary Time
We are called to “come and see” Jesus. Encountering Jesus is, therefore, a transformative power that awakens us from slumber to find purpose and meaning to our lives....
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January 7, 2024
The Epiphany Of The Lord
With the arrival of the Wisemen, we celebrate – Epiphany – the revelation of Christ to the pagans and foreigners, for Christ was born to tear down the walls of hostility and to reconcile us to one another....
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December 24, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Advent/Christmas
Despite of all the uncertainties and potential hardships in our daily lives, like Mary’s Fiat, we are invited to embrace willingly God’s salvific plan....
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