Previous Weekly Bulletins
September 15, 2024
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE To recognize Jesus’ true identity is essential for our faith and our salvation. By being followers of Jesus, we cannot expect to be immune from suffering,, because suffering can be part of our Christian journey with God. ...
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Previous Weekly Bulletins


September 1, 2024
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE Religion is not just external observances of laws, keeping tradition and respecting rituals. True religion is to maintain inner purity and living a holy life by keeping God’s commandment of love. ...
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August 25, 2024
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE Let’s not distance ourselves from God. Science and technology are not the only problem-solving solutions in life. The Way to God, is open to those who believe in Jesus Christ, because Jesus made himself available in a special way in the Eucharist. ...
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August 18, 2024
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE We are advised to “be careful how we live” our lives, and “not to be foolish because those who eat" the Bread of Life "that came down from heaven abide in Christ!” So let’s be “wise and understand the will of God, for the days are evil!” ...
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August 11, 2024
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life and the Life of the world. Let us not grieve him. We are encouraged “to put away from us all bitterness and wrath and anger and slander – together with all malice …to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another and to walk in love. ” (Eph. 4:30-ff)...
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August 4, 2024
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE To the question: “What do we do to perform the works of God?”. We need faith in Jesus Christ and fear of God. And St. Paul (Eph. 4:20 – 24) adds by saying: “give up the futility of your minds that alienates you from the life of God,” and embrace goodness and truth. ...
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July 28, 2024
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE The search and hunger for peace – inner peace, justice, and moral fulfillment cannot just be attained by having true leadership but also by sharing at the Eucharistic celebration and nourished by the Bread of Life. ...
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July 21, 2024
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE The authority of a shepherd is not power to impose rules. The ideal shepherd is one who wins the hearts of believers by his compassion and inspires them to live in harmony and peace. ...
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July 14, 2024
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE We are chosen, redeemed and sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit to be messengers of the Kingdom of God …the Kingdom of love and unity. ...
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July 7, 2024
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE In today’s gospel, despite his wisdom and the miracles, Jesus was rejected by his own people. But this is not a sign of failure. Jesus teaches us that unwelcomeness and resistance should not stop us. “Thorn in the flesh” deepens our faith and deepens our connection to God. ...
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June 30, 2024
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
GOSPEL MESSAGE Just as the ailing woman’s bold faith in touching the garment of Jesus, gained her life and healing, so also, our true faith and receiving the sacraments (‘touching effect’) will merit us physical and spiritual well-being....
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